KASPA Resources

Useful websites, tools, and resources to get started with utilizing KASPA.


Choose from our three convenient wallet options to hold your precious KASPA coins

Kaspa Web Wallet is the most user-friendly and secure wallet available on the market today. The simple and easy-to-use interface makes it easy for you to send and receive payments.

KDX process manager provides zero-effort installation and configuration of the Kaspa full-node software and the Kaspa Wallet when running in a desktop operating system environment.

The command line wallet is part of the core kaspa node software bundle and is maintained by the core team. 

KASPA Block Explorers

Search the Kaspa network for transactions, wallets, and block information

KASPA Exchanges

Looking to purchase KASPA Coins? Choose from the following centralized and decentralized exchanges.

DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the third-party services listed do not constitute an endorsement by KASPA and is provided for information purposes only. Please do your own research and exercise caution when using any third-party services as it is outside of our control.

KASPA Mining Software

Looking to become a miner to earn block rewards for securing our network? Utilize these popular miner software options.

KASPA Mining Pools

Kaspa can be mined solo, or mined as part of a pool, check out our current pool options below. 



By Yonatan Sompolinsky

There’s a series of Medium posts by Yonatan Sompolinsky (@hashdag), one of Kaspa theoreticians, explaining his views and decisions about Kaspa. It’s very useful if you want to get the overall impression of what are Kaspa philosophy, history, basics and tradeoffs:

There is even more to read there, but part of that info could have become outdated. Anyway you’re welcome: https://hashdag.medium.com

By Shai Wyborski

Shai (@deshe–discord) is another Kaspa theoretician, here’s his review of what’s and why’s (mainly about the PHANTOM and GHOSTDAG):

“Kaspa — What are We Actually Doing Here?”

    By Ori Newman

    Ori (@someone235–discord) is one of the Kaspa core devs, and here are a couple of his posts about threats to Bitcoin that Kaspa addresses:


    Join & Follow the COmmunity

    We are a growing community and always looking for energetic people to join the project.  If you are a coder, marketer, vlogger, community manager or other, join Discord and say, “hi!”